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Man playing a piano

9 Famous Black Composers That Had a Huge Impact on the Music Industry

For a very long time, the world has been battling racism that has been rampant in society. Many people and organizations have come forward to condemn this vice that has affected many people. Movements such as Black Lives Matter have played a key role in raising awareness...
Orchestra Central's featured image about J.S. Bach children

Bach’s Legacy: How Many Children Did J.S. Bach Have?

How many children did Bach have? There are 20 Bach children in all, but only ten lived through adulthood. Four of the surviving ten Bach children became great musicians and composers like their father, J.S. Bach. Here is a closer look at the Bach family...
Famous movie composers featured image from Orchestra Central.

18 Famous Movie Composers and Their Masterpieces

We can all agree that a great soundtrack to a TV series or film makes any show great. And these 20 famous movie composers have created soundtracks that are as memorable and iconic as the movies. In this article, we'll talk about these movie composers and their...
Orchestra Central